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Do Not Have Environmental Permits Will Be Fined At Least 1 M

Wednesday, Apr 06 2016 | 4315 kali dilihat

BENGKALIS - Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bengkalis through Environmental Agency (BLH) do the Socializing the Regulations Environmental Agency, Tuesday (5/4/2016). For businesses that do not have the permission of the environment, will be fined at least Rp. 1 billion.

Vice Regent of Bengkalis H. Muhammad said, in accordance with article 108 of UU No. 32 of 2009, if no one has the permission of the environment is threatened with imprisonment for at least 1 year and at most 3 years and a fine, at least, Rp. 1 billion and the most Rp. 3 billion.

"For that, we expect such a rule always socialized to the community. So those people not only know, but also comply with them," said Muhammad while opening the event, which takes place on 2nd floor of Regent Bengkalis office.

Muhammad said one way to manage the SDA and the environment in development through an analysis of the Amdal. Amdal can help carry out development approach to the environment. So negative excesses inflicted can be minimized or eliminated with search the solution has with the effects.

"Through the Amdal, environmental changes caused by development activities can be estimated prior to their implementation. If it is estimated from a development activity will damage the environment and the community at large, and the anticipation takes a very long time and it took a large charge, then the plan development activities that may be considered not worth doing," said Muhammad.

In that occasion, Muhammad also sent, through the socialization is expected all participants must have the same perception, as well as immediately able to compose a new regulation if the process of granting environmental permits nor Amdal conducted in the Province as long as it can still be simplified more.

"To eliminate duplication and prune things that actually could be removed in the process. This is because the essence of the simplification of the permit granting process so that is how permission can be done in the shortest time, but still is not contrary to the legislation," he said. (MC Riau/man)

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