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The New Structure Of OPD Soon To Be Filled

Wednesday, Dec 28 2016 | 13674 kali dilihat

PEKANBARU - The structure of Regional Organizations Device (OPD) from before the Regional Work Unit (SKPD) will soon to be filled. This is because the OPD will start to be applied in 2017.

With the process, there will be a change in the position of the high official of Pratama, III and IV. The Governor of Riau Arsyadjuliandi Rachman firmly say provisions already mandated to do OP adjustment.

"The process is being prepared. Now being prepared the layout is how appropriate mechanisms and rules. The fixed mutation was done because the adjustment of the OPD starting next year," said Gubri.

Only, he has not definitely given you an idea as to when the process of mutation and the promotion is done. The process is carried out immediately if the team led by Sekdaprov of Riau with BKP2D of Riau finished joint doing their job.

"Just wait, could be just the beginning of January. Adjusted if it's already finished," he said again. (MC Riau/mz)

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